Comp&Ben Insights
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Salary Increase: Autumn Forecast for 2025
Our regular autumn Salary Increase Survey brings data on the forecasted salary increases for 2025. The data was collected during October 2024 and a total of 210 companies participated in the survey.
Salary Increase: Actuals May 2024
Our latest Salary Increase Survey reports on the actual 2023 base salary increases in the Czech Republic as reported in May/June. A total of 224 companies from the Czech Republic participated in the survey.
Salary Increase: Actuals May 2023
Our latest Salary Increase Survey reports on the actual 2023 base salary increases in the Czech Republic as reported in May/June. A total of 224 companies from the Czech Republic participated in the survey.
Salary Increase Actuals Autumn 2022 Forecast 2023
Our regular autumn Salary Increase Survey brings data on the forecasted salary increases for 2023 as well as the latest update on 2022 actuals for the Czech Republic. The data was collected during October/November 2022 and a total of 218 companies participated in the survey.
How to be a Successful Comp&Ben Manager
What does it take to become the best Comp&Ben Manager and succeed in this specialty within Human Resources career?
Our senior partner Michael Pos delivered a lecture at The University of Economics in Prague on Compensation and Benefits. Following his lecture, he answered a few questions in a interview further clarifying his perspective on how one might become a great Comp&Ben Manager.
Is Equity or Selection more Important? IT Depends
By Michael Pos >> Compensation experts are losing the melody when trying to sing the word Equity. Is Equity in paying everyone the same regardless of differentiated ability good? No. Not good at all. Michael Pos talks about why you should abandon the misuse of Pay Equity and what to demand instead.
2021: Don’t wing it
By Michael Freire >> Now, in 2021, is the time when your Comp&Ben strategy must enable your organization to both be resilient and take advantage of the changing business environment. Michael’s article recaps what you should consider as you re-tool your strategy for the next year.
Pay Jack the same as Jill? We don't think so
By Michael Pos >> Sports agents are ninja compensation experts. They all know why Lionel Messi gets paid more than anyone else on his team and nobody minds. Everyone, though, thinks Jack and Jill should be paid the same. Let’s find out, together, as to why we don’t think so.
2020: A Year for Rock Stars
By Michael Freire >> Companies should prioritize paying their 2020 broad-based short-term incentives – unless doing so compromises their very economic survival. In fact, I see it as a matter of business sustainability.
Just Thinking about it is Tempting
By Michael Pos >> The biggest enemy of getting something done is the weakest link that prevents it from occurring. Here in the world of compensation, the weakest link is line managers: including CEOs.
Pay is Not Peanut Butter (Part Two)
By Michael Freire >> In tough economic times, focused merit budget spend may not be enough to fund meaningful base pay investments.
Pay is Not Peanut Butter (Part One)
By Michael Freire >> If your firm’s pay approach is similar to how peanut butter is spread over a slice of bread, you are probably now at a crossroads. Thanks to Covid-19, there may no longer be enough money to spread around. You will have to make tough decisions.
One for All and All for One
By Michael Pos >> In the world of variable pay, the art of fairness is not always aptly mastered. A short article on what we at BD Advisory see as a foundational premise within the world of variable pay, that everyone should not be treated the same.
Your People: The Only True Resource
By Michael Freire >> People are not only the one true resource; they are key stakeholders. Yet, as the current crisis unfolded, companies first looked to their people to take cost savings. How can that be?
Salary Increase: Actuals May 2022
Our latest Salary Increase Survey reports on the actual 2022 base salary increases in the Czech Republic as reported in May/June. A total of 211 companies from the Czech Republic participated in the survey.
Salary Increase: Autumn Forecast for 2022
Our latest 2022 Planned Salary Increase Survey in the Czech Republic market. The data were collected in October/November 2021 from 154 companies.
BDA Spot Survey: Car Policy
In the summer, we conducted a survey focused on Car Policy: Status Cars. The survey follows up on the recent changes in the area of status cars such as eligibility, limits on car allocations and purchases, options to choose one’s own car configuration and so on.